$900 Roseville Bankruptcy Lawyer
Roseville bankruptcy attorney Adam Garcia can help you eliminate debt in chapter 7 bankruptcy for only $900 in attorney fees. Whether you need to file an emergency bankruptcy petition or just want to learn more about your debt relief options, call Sacramento Law Group LLP at (916) 500-0704 from 8 AM to 6 PM for a free consultation.
By Adam Garcia
$900 Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
In an area where many attorneys charge $1,800 for chapter 7 bankruptcy, how can bankruptcy attorney Adam Garcia charge only $900? The answer is simple: he doesn’t pay for advertising. Accordingly, he is able to charge a lower fee than other bankruptcy attorneys.
Bankruptcy: Our bankruptcy attorney represents people in financial distress in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy. Many individuals experiencing financial hardship turn to our Roseville bankruptcy lawyer to eliminate debt through bankruptcy. Call for a free consultation and learn how you can eliminate debt and stop creditor harassment, wage garnishment, foreclosure, and repossession.
About Adam Garcia
Attorney Adam Garcia started his bankruptcy practice in 2012 with the goal of helping hundreds of clients eliminate debt through bankruptcy. As of 2021, he’s done exactly that through his law firm, Sacramento Law Group LLP. While his firm has grown to include additional attorneys and practice areas, he still maintains a full-time bankruptcy practice in which he extends affordable fees to clients experiencing financial hardship.
3 Reasons To Hire Our Attorney
- Affordable. Our low $900 fee for chapter 7 bankruptcy is much less than what many bankruptcy lawyers in Roseville charge.
- Personal. When you call our office you will speak directly with the attorney, not a paralegal. If you have a question during your bankruptcy you will have direct access to the attorney.
- Convenient. We know that clients have busy lives and can’t always make it to the office during normal work hours. To make bankruptcy easier for clients our attorney offers evening and Saturday appointments by arrangement.
How Much Does Bankruptcy Cost?
If you’re considering bankruptcy, you probably want to know how much your bankruptcy will cost. Fortunately, bankruptcy is generally less expensive than other legal proceedings like divorce or criminal defense. The main expenses that comprise the total cost of filing bankruptcy include attorney fees, the court filing fee, and credit counseling charges.
- Attorney Fees: The largest expense in filing bankruptcy will be hiring an attorney. Adam Garcia charges $900 for most chapter 7 bankruptcy cases. Other Roseville bankruptcy lawyers charge more.
- $338 Court Filing Fee: Unless your fee waiver application gets approved, you will need to pay the court $338 when filing your chapter 7 bankruptcy petition.
- Credit Counseling: You’ll need to complete credit counseling before filing bankruptcy and a personal financial management course after filing. Providers charge $10-$15 for each course.
How Bankruptcy Can Help You
Bankruptcy can eliminate debt and give you a fresh start. Once your bankruptcy petition is filed creditors cannot call, garnish your wages, repossess your car, foreclose on your home, or take any other collection action. The legal mechanism that stops creditors is called the automatic stay and is codified in Section 362(a) of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. It is important to note that the automatic stay arises instantly when a bankruptcy petition is electronically filed. That means that if you file bankruptcy on Monday your wages cannot be garnished on Tuesday. The same is true for foreclosure. An emergency bankruptcy filing can stop an upcoming Trustee’s sale and protect your home from liquidation.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Eliminate Debt
Many people file chapter 7 bankruptcy to eliminate debt and stop creditor harassment. In chapter 7 bankruptcy your unsecured debt is eliminated in months, not years. In exchange for this quick elimination of debt, you agree to submit your non-exempt property to the Trustee for sale in bankruptcy. In other words, when you file chapter 7 bankruptcy you will give the Trustee the opportunity to seize and sell your non-exempt property and distribute the proceeds to creditors. However, in most cases, there is no liquidation of assets because most chapter 7 cases are no-asset cases. A no-asset case arises when all property can be exempted under California law. Specifically, your attorney will use California’s 703 (wildcard) or 704 (homestead) exemption law to protect your property. To find out if your property is exempt in chapter 7 bankruptcy you should schedule a free consultation with a local bankruptcy attorney.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Stop Foreclosure
Many residents of Roseville have been affected by the downturn in the real estate market. Coupled with a disruption in income, many homeowners have fallen behind on their mortgage payments and now face foreclosure. To stop the foreclosure process and save their home these homeowners use chapter 13 bankruptcy. In so many words, chapter 13 bankruptcy stops the foreclosure process and forces the lender to accept repayment over a period of years. Through a 3 to 5-year repayment plan, homeowners can cure late payments and keep their homes. However, for chapter 13 bankruptcy to be effective homeowners must file chapter 13 bankruptcy before the Trustee’s sale. To accomplish this some bankruptcy attorneys may advise homeowners to file an emergency chapter 13 bankruptcy petition. In essence, these bankruptcy attorneys will file a skeletal petition which is a short document that contains basic information but is sufficient to invoke the automatic stay to stop foreclosure. However, from the day of filing both the homeowner and the bankruptcy attorney must work quickly to draft the remaining schedules and statements.
If you have questions about how chapter 13 bankruptcy can stop foreclosure and save your home call our Roseville bankruptcy lawyer at (916) 500-0704 for a free consultation.
To learn more about preventing foreclosure through chapter 13 bankruptcy visit our foreclosure defense page. The foreclosure defense website takes you step-by-step through chapter 13 bankruptcy as it relates to foreclosure. You will learn exactly how chapter 13 bankruptcy stops foreclosure and saves your home.